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Fourth Grade

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We are excited to welcome your child to the 4th grade. We have many exciting activities and events planned throughout the year. We will be able to communicate with parents about upcoming events and student progress through the student planner, weekly take-home folders, and Parent Portal It is important to check and sign your child’s planner each day. Students will put homework assignments, field trips, upcoming activities, behavior as well as other important information. The weekly folders will be sent home each Thursday with graded papers and school information. This needs to be signed and returned each Friday. Grades are entered each week and can be checked on Parent Portal.

The LCSS uses the PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention System) as a tool to encourage students to maintain expected behaviors in the school and classroom. We have implemented a reward system of issuing “Star Bucks” to recognize positive behavior.  Students will be able to redeem these in the “Star Buck” store at the end of each nine weeks. Weekly celebrations, Fun Friday, will reward students on a weekly basis for positive behavior.

Homework- Students will receive his/her homework packet every Friday. Spelling and vocabulary test dates will be included on the cover page of the packet. Spelling and vocabulary need to be studied nightly. These tests will be given every Friday unless otherwise stated on the cover page. We will cover vocabulary in class as well through our extended text and centers.  All quizzes and other information will be put in the planner. Please make sure you are still checking and signing the planner daily.

Homework will be graded daily in math and weekly in ELA. Students that do not do or complete homework will have to sit out of break on Friday and will only receive partial credit.

Each subject area is required to teach according to the Georgia Standards of Excellence. These standards are listed at if you would like to take a look.


·         All students will be required to read a minimum of 25 books, on their Lexile level, by the end of the year.

·         We will read a variety of trade books as well as extended novels throughout the year. Students will also keep a reading and writing interactive journal to be used daily in class.

·         The ELA teachers are utilizing Quizlet as a means to review and practice classroom skills with the students. You can access this at . You do not have to login to access material. In the search box the students can enter their teacher or content material and locate the Quizlet designed for them.


·         In Math, we use a variety of resources including Eureka Math, Interactive Journals, Triumph Learning, Google Classroom, Zearn, and Coach Digital.

·         Login information for websites can be found in the front of each child’s planner. These sites may be accessed at home.

·         Multiplication fact fluency is very important and should be reviewed regularly at home using flashcards or multiplication websites.

Science and Social Studies-

·         Students will complete a 4 ½ week period of science and then rotate to a 4 ½ week period of social studies during each grading period.

·         The teachers will send home a study guide for each unit as they prepare for testing of subject matter.

·         The science/social studies teachers are utilizing Quizlet as a means to review and practice classroom skills with the students. You can access this at . You do not have to login to access material. In the search box the students can enter their teacher or content material and locate the quizlet designed for them.

All subject areas are using Google Classroom. We send lessons, websites, and various activities into Google Classroom.