Challenge is the title given to the Lee County Gifted program. The program operates under the State of Georgia guidelines for gifted education. Resource or Pull-Out is the model used.
Resource Class (K-12) 1. All students must have been identified as gifted by SBOE criteria. 2. The curriculum must have an academic content foundation based on the Georgia curriculum standards, but it should focus on interdisciplinary enrichment activities and not any one content area. 3. The content and pacing should be differentiated to the degree that the activities are clearly not appropriate for more typical students at that grade level.
Students attend challenge daily for 1 class period. The pull-out is during the FLEX class period. Testing is required for qualification for gifted services. The testing takes place in the spring of the school year unless a student moves into the county from another county, state or country. New students to Lee County may be evaluated upon entrance to Lee County depending on existing testing information, time of year, and recommendation.
Grading & Expectations
The classroom rules follow the expectations and codes from our Positive Behavior Plan. Show Respect: use kind words and listen and treat others the way you want to be treated. Take Responsibility: Wait to be called on the speak; Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. Be Ready: Be prepared to learn - attention, attitude, and materials. As potential school leaders, there are high expectations for Twin Oaks gift students in behavior, work, and performance.
Students receive a grade of "passing" or "failing". The grade of "passing" is for satisfactory work in the Challenge class. The grade of "fail" is for unsatisfactory student work in the Challenge classroom.
Your child is expected to follow the school wide rules while in the Challenge Classroom: |
Show Respect |