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Crystal Evans, RN 
TOES School Nurse

Hi, welcome to the school nurse webpage! I have the privilege of being the school nurse here at Twin Oaks, and I am honored to be taking care of your children’s needs while they are here at school. I encourage you to contact me whenever you feel the need. My phone number is 229-903-2245 and I can be reached during school hours.

Emergency Forms and Phone Numbers
All students must have a student heath card with emergency contact information where parents and/or guardians can be reached. It is crucial to have current phone numbers where the given contacts can be reached. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to the contact information. Please provide names and phone numbers of persons who are allowed to pick up your child in case of illness or accident when you are unavailable. All information is confidential and used only by school staff in case of emergency.

What happens if my child gets sick or hurt during school hours? 

Student Health Info

General health information, information letters and individual health care plans can be located under the student health section.
Parents and/ or Guardians will be notified when a child is sick, complaining of continuous discomfort, or has fever over 100.4 degrees. In the event of an emergency and the parent/ or guardian cannot be found, an ambulance will be called, and any associated costs will be the parent’s responsibility.
If your child becomes sick at school, it is the parents’ or guardians’ responsibility to pick up their child promptly. The student will be counted absent from the time the parent is called. He/ she should be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school. A Doctor’s note may be required before a student is readmitted when there is a contagious disease involved.


All students entering or attending Grades Pre-K through 12 in the Lee County School System are required to have a complete Georgia Certificate of Immunization (Form 3231) in accordance with Georgia Law, OCGA 20-2-771. All students must be immunized against vaccine preventable diseases as specified by the Georgia Department of Human Resources, or have medical or religious exemption on file at school.


The Lee County School’s Medication Policy will be followed for all medications given during school hours.

Parents/guardians are encouraged to give medications at home whenever possible. If it is necessary for a student to take medication at school, the following procedures should be followed:

  • Please Do Not send medication to school that is ordered once/twice/three times per day unless the physician specifically states a time during the school day which it is to be given. An antibiotic that is to be given three times a day can be given before school, when the student gets home, and at bedtime.
  • If the medication is to be given daily at lunch, the physician must specifically state the time to be given on the prescription bottle.
  • The parent/guardian or student (age appropriate) must transport prescription medicines to the health clinic or main office of the school.
  • Prescription medications must be in the original prescription bottle, clearly labeled with the student’s name, physician’s name and contact information, medication name and strength, amount given per dose, route and time of administration, dispensing pharmacy. Over-the-counter medications must be in the un-opened original container. The school staff will have the right to refuse to give medication that is questionable or expired. Narcotic and/or other prescription pain medications (e.g. Tylenol with codeine, hydrocodone, etc) will not be administered at school.
  • Any student possessing prescription or over-the-counter medication not in accordance with these guidelines will be considered in violation of the School District’s Code of Conduct and shall be subject to the discipline set forth in the code of conduct and/or the student handbook.
  • The prescribing physician and parent/guardian must complete an Authorization to Give medication at school form in order for school staff to administer medication.
  • The parent/guardian is responsible for notifying the school of any changes in the administration of medications.
  • If these procedures are not followed, medication may not be dispensed at school.
  • Unused medication will be disposed of unless picked up within one week after the medication is discontinued and/or at the end of the school year.

Self-administration of medication at school:

Georgia State Law authorizes student self-administration of certain medications and treatments (e.g., asthma inhalers, insulin, Epi-pen) at school, thus relieving the school district and its employees of any liability in connection with self-administration.

In order for a student to keep a medication in his/her possession the following must occur:

  1. Written permission from a parent or legal guardian.
  2. Written physician’s statement detailing the name and purpose of the medication, prescribed dosage, and time(s) or special circumstances for administration of the medication.
  3. Written authorization from the parent/guardian for the school to seek emergency medical treatment for the student when necessary and appropriate.

Head Lice

Parents and/ or guardians will be contacted if their child has lice or lice eggs found on their head. At the discretion of school officials, parents may be required to pick their child up. Information on head lice and treatment options will be provided.

The best way to prevent transmission:

  • Teach children not to share combs, brushes, hair ornaments, hats, caps, scarves, headsets, or any other personal headgear.
  • Do not try on other people’s hats (even in department stores).
  • Teach children to hang coats separately - placing hats and scarves inside Coat/jacket sleeves.
  • Clean or disinfect shared headgear (i.e., helmets) with Lysol® or rubbing alcohol, before being used by others.
  • Conduct regular head checks of your child.